Thursday, June 17, 2010

11 reasons guys dump women.

This is just a fast and dirty list being put together about a few of the things that drive guys nuts. It will be expanded and updated as time goes on, reworded etc. They are not in hard (just roughly in order) , but I prefer numbered lists as they are easier to reference.

This whole list can be circumnavigated by simply saying men are alot more like women than most women realize. We are human, we hurt, we cry, we worry, we think and we have needs too. We love you deeply and fiercely; and just for who you are, not how well you fuck or how much you earn. We want to give you everything. All we ask in return is that you not forgot us when we need you.

11. Your insecurities. They suck, they contort your thinking, they make you crazy and wound us deep in our souls.

10. Unreliability. When a woman says I'll be here or there at this time or that, and shows up 90 minutes late it's not just a buzz kill, it can seriously ruin the couples ability to have out of the house time with other people.

9. Failing to take responsibility. Women make mistakes the same as men. The difference with many women is that they refuse to take responsibility and just admit they screwed up. Excuses
don't really fix anything, but they can cause his ability to respect you and view you as an adult to take a beating.

8. Not being realistic about what to worry about. If a man is going nuts and working two jobs to pay a hospital bill and a woman lays a trip on him about the fact that he hasn't taken her out for a fancy dinner, it kills everything. A fair number of women seem to think that cable t.v. and new shoes are more important than the bills. Bringing this up damages a mans provider ego, makes a woman look selfish and immature and makes him feel as though he is 100% alone in facing the real problems.

7. Acting like he is doing something wrong if he doesn't communicate the way you do. Relationships are about give and take. Try meeting a man half way. You think he is being emotionally unavailable, he thinks your torturing him by not supporting him and forcing an issue before he is ready to talk about it. Trying to force a man to emotionally divulge makes him feel emotionally unsafe, un-cared for and pressured.

6. Demonizing his sexuality. Women will badger and abuse their men if they catch them with porn, catch them masturbating, looking at another womans ass and about ten thousand other reasons. If he feels guilty or ashamed of penis, and he feels that the strongest because of you or when he is with you, he IS going to find outlets for his desires with a woman that doesn't make him want to apologize or commit suicide every time he gets an erection.

5. Acting like men are really stupid, simple creatures. See #2. It's a real wake up call for some women, for others you will just say DUH! If your one of the women who already know men are complicated creatures at their core and that #2 is obvious, spread the word amongst your sisters.

4. Trying to make him what you want him to be, based solely on what you want, rather than accepting and loving him just the way he is. Seriously, if he does that with you he's an asshole and can be convicted of domestic abuse in some places. You either love him or you don't. If you love who you can force him to be, then your using him and you should be left.

3. It's all about you. Women like to think that they are so much more selfless, they aren't. Women have needs. If a woman isn't getting any at home her needs aren't being met and virtually anything is justified. If a man isn't getting sex at home, too bad. It's not like he has needs, right? The same goes for all non-sec areas of a relationship. This is a big bad one, and one that 99% of women will never admit too. In fact the fastest way to make a woman go psycho is to tell her no when she wants it, especially if it becomes a habit. So why would you think that it is acceptable to do the same to the man you love? This isn't just about sex either, but sex is the biggest place where women tend to act like mens needs aren't real. A simple way to get this across is to compare the differences in personal ads. The guys ads are all about what they can offer, the womens ads are almost always about what they are demanding with no mention of what they offer. Loads of women will reply with 'It's obvious what we're offering'. Yes, the same thing any other woman can provide, or blow up doll, or hand, or talented gay man. Trying focusing on what you can give in return, you may actually get the best out him in return. And I don't mean sex. You can find alot of men who will say things like this "If it weren't for pussy I wouldn't even bother talking to women." Now, do you really want him to only be there for that? Try actually offering something else.

2. Trying to fix everything with sex. So you went without his permission and got keys to his place, or slept with his friend, or 'borrowed' $100 without asking. You can just sex the simple oaf up and he'll forget everything, right? Wrong. He'll still have sex with you, albeit less frequently with time. He won't however forgive or forget, after all it's not like you took responsibility or actually said "I was wrong and I'm sorry." Sooner or later, he will cheat, he will leave, and he won't care if you blame that on him too.

1. Not talking and LISTENING to him. Men have thoughts, lots and lots of them. Men have feelings. Lots and lots of raging torrents of feelings. You just won't get to hear about them if your not in the habit of talking to him about things that are of no consequence, making his opinion as important as yours and not judging him. The #1 reason I have had men give me for cheating or leaving is this, "She doesn't love me anymore, we don't talk and I am so lonely.", not I haven't gotten a Blowjob lately.

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