Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dear Erica Jong,
I stumbled across these quotes of yours. I felt the need to reply.

“Isn't that the problem? That women have been swindled for centuries into substituting adornment for love, fashion (as it were) for passion?” ~Erica Jong

“Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness.” ~Erica Jong

“And the crazy part of it was even if you were clever, even if you spent your adolescence reading John Donne and Shaw, even if you studied history or zoology or physics and hoped to spend your life pursuing some difficult and challenging career, you still had a mind full of all the soupy longings that every high-school girl was awash in... underneath it, all you longed to be was annihilated by love, to be swept off your feet, to be filled up by a giant prick spouting sperm, soapsuds, silk and satins and, of course, money.” ~Erica Jong ** Couldn’t be truncated for brevity sake.

I can’t imagine where any sane man would begin riposting these remarks. The blithe and tasteless lack of two sidedness, objectivity or decency held in them is simply beyond comprehension for anyone who isn’t utterly bereft of empathy.

Women have not been forced to substitute adornment for love, or fashion for passion. Men throughout history who have loved the women they were with wanted nothing more desperately than to afford them their every want. As a man I can tell you this is nothing short of a need in my kind. The need to give, to provide, to sacrifice.

These things were given to women because, and for no other reason than, a woman will take adornment over love any day. I have yet to meet a woman who would hesitate to trade a loving and kind man for one who can buy her tragically expensive things. It is by the choice of women, that even now men are expected to give anything and everything without notion of self involved, as ransom for what fools refer to as a womans so called love and care.

It is demanded of men that they be sperm donors and wallets. Nothing more, and never anything less, at least if we want a woman to act falsely enough to convince us that we are loved. Our value, especially to women, is held solely in the number of days, hours and dollars we will hand over without so much as respect, decency or kindness in return. If we do not, we are failures. Our genetic material, and our wallets stands far above us as men, and it has always been such. Men were the ones swindled into giving, often until death, for women who never loved them, but only saw them as financial benefactors. This was a disgrace to both men and women, and will always be. The difference now, is that women are no longer held to such roles, but men are more than ever. Here’s to your giant penis, spewing sperm, silk and twenty dollar bills, but doing little to clean your character.

Why would men do this if it’s so wrong and demeaning to both men and women? Because, and I speak for every good man still left, undamaged and willing to follow the dictates of his frail male heart, we do idealize women. We cannot help but want to serve, to love, to protect and uplift. Women being idealized into powerlessness was as much a fault of women as it was of men. We tend in this direction because of an overwhelming urge to give, to separate someone precious from any wanting. Women indulge this for the overwhelming urge to take, and do without the burden of reciprocation or consequence for the harm done by its lacking. To say that this has been the thumb sized rod of male indecency and vileness is to shit on the heads, deeds and heartfelt gifts, of every loving man who has ever existed. Keep no doubt, lady, that every single one of those good men existed for the women they loved. You make comments like that because, as a woman, you will never know what it is to desperately love someone so much that you would dedicate your entire life to them, to live and die for them. You will never feel what it is to want to give more and more, not because you’re obliged to do so, but because it aches and burns in your heart to do so.

The apex of feminism is the slow telling of how morally superior women aren’t as they bring to themselves the mantle of authority. They are in fact, and in greater proportion I fear, just as dastardly and venomous as the worst of men. A woman unchained is no different than a man, save her lack of need for or capacity to render love, her lack of empathy and of course her phenomenal lack of ability to hold herself accountable.

Mz. Jong; may you have many sons, and may they all suffer and die at the hands of your sisters. Perhaps you might discover that there is just as much inherent beauty and value in mere men, as there is the unblemishable female.

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